FODMAP Your Favorites: Low FODMAP Irish Soda Bread Recipe


There’s nothing in the world like the joy you get from your favorite comfort foods. You might think that just because you’re on a restricted diet all your faves are out of bounds. Not a chance! We’ll help you FODMAP Your Favorites!

Welcome to the St. Patrick’s day edition of FODMAP Your Faves, where we show you step-by-step how to make an easy Irish Soda Bread!

This old-fashioned favorite can be sneaky when it comes to FODMAPs. But, never fear, our culinary wizards are on the scene to make this beloved soda bread recipe easy on the tummy.

Buttermilk is the secret agent in most soda bread. There isn’t a lactose-free buttermilk on the market, so we used plain, lactose-free kefir to create that lovely leavening, bubble-building effect that makes soda bread so well-loved.

PRO TIP: Plain, lactose-free kefir is a great all-purpose low FODMAP substitute for buttermilk in most recipes, not just soda bread. Try it out in pancakes, baked goods, salad dressings, scones, and more!

We also scaled back the number of raisins in our soda bread to 8 T or half a cup. Keep in mind, 1 T is low FODMAP and this recipe is 8 servings. Raisins are high in the FODMAP group, fructans, so if you’re particularly sensitive to those, you might want to reduce the quantity further.

FURTHER READING: Not sure about fructans? Learn more here!

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The Recipe

Yield: 8 servings. 1 serving is low FODMAP.

What You’ll Need

1 ¾ cups lactose-free, plain Kefir
4 ¼ cups gluten-free, low FODMAP flour (we like Bob’s 1:1)
3 tablespoons Sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons butter, cut in small pieces
.5 c raisins (or less! 1 tablespoon is low FODMAP)

How to Prep

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

1. Combine the kefir and the egg in a small bowl and whisk gently. Set aside.

2. In a large bowl add the gluten-free flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt. Whisk together.

3. Add the butter to the flour mixture, then using your hands work the butter into the four until pea sized clumps form.

4. Add the raisins and mix to incorporate evenly throughout the flour. You can also add the raisins in at the end to ensure an even distribution, using 1 T for each of the 8 slices/servings of the loaf.

5. Add the kefir and egg mixture to the large bowl of dry ingredients. Fold the wet ingredients into the dry until fully incorporated.

6. Once the kefir mixture is fully incorporated, turn the dough onto a clean work surface. The dough will be shaggy and dry.

7. Knead the dough until it becomes one large ball. It will take a few minutes of kneading for the flour to hydrate and for the dough to come together.

8. Transfer the dough to a parchment lined sheet tray or a cast iron skillet.

9.Using a sharp knife, cut an X on the top of the dough.

10. Bake for 1 hour. If the top gets too brown, cover with foil halfway through the cooking process.

11. Enjoy and share with all of your low FODMAP friends!


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