3 Tips for People with Both Irritable Bowel Syndrome and an Eating Disorder
Systematic reviews show 25% of IBS patients have disordered eating patterns. And 90% of patients with anorexia or bulimia have functional GI symptoms.
Flavoring Without FODMAPs
Learn how to get the most flavor out of your FODMAP journey!
“So… What Can I Eat?” The Latest On IBD, Food, and How to Find Out What Works For You.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases are on the rise, forcing scientists to reconsider the role of modern diets in the development and management of these diseases.
Enjoy Garlic and Onion Flavor with Low FODMAP Infused Oils!
In this blog post, you’ll learn about the elimination phase of the Low FODMAP diet as well as how to make infused oils.
FODMAP Your Favorites: Low FODMAP Banana Bread Recipe
Our low FODMAP banana bread is equally delicious and easy to make! Full recipe and video are included!
Epicurator Tips from Epicured’s FODNIGHT Hosts
We’re so grateful to our fabulous FODNIGHT IN hosts for sharing their awesome, actionable tips for better gut health!
Food is Culture
Discover the impact of ow Fodmap Diet Spanish & culture on our identity. Learn about different societies’ approach to food, ingredients, and significance.
Intuitive Eating and Gut Health
It may be hard to believe, but your body naturally knows what and how much to eat! Intuitive Eating is a philosophy that focuses on respecting and listening to your own internal cues and letting go of external food rules.
Is the Low FODMAP Diet Always the Best Approach?
The low FODMAP diet can help, but it’s not for everyone. Here we explore alternative options for how can you manage your IBS symptoms.
Can Acupuncture Treat IBS?
Every year I treat hundreds of patients who come in with various symptoms of IBS having heard of how this ancient medicine might help them in a drug-free way.
Tips for Fostering Resilience in Chronic Disease
Laurie Keefer, PhD’s 3 essential tips fostering resilience in chronic disease are savor positive emotions, nurture relationships, and choosing optimism.
The Importance of Teamwork, Collaboration, and Advice From Experts
Dr. Carol Ireton-Jones stresses the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and advice from experts in the next Epicurator.