Fiber Facts, Food Labels, and Mindful Eating


3 Digestive Tips From Epicurator Laura Manning


#1 Read Food Labels. Eating food made from good ingredients is extremely important to me and a recommendation that I give to all of my patients. I suggest that people look at food labels and ensure that all ingredients are recognizable, pronounceable and that they make meals from whole food sources when possible. Epicured follows this philosophy as they provide fresh meals using quality, non-GMO ingredients, hormone and antibiotic free meats, and use local and organic ingredients whenever possible.

#2 Fiber, Fiber, Fiber. Fiber is very important for maintaining gut health and bowel function. Foods contain a combination of insoluble, soluble and prebiotic fibers. Soluble fibers are particularly beneficial for our gut and are found in many low FODMAP foods. When digested, they create a gel like substance in our gut that can make us feel full longer, improve bowel function, lower cholesterol, manage blood sugar levels and may reduce the risk of developing certain bowel cancers. The best low FODMAP sources are: oats, bananas, brown rice, sweet potato, carrots, green beans, nut butters and chia seeds. These can all be found on the Epicured menu, especially in the Vanilla Coconut Chia PuddingRoasted Spiced Carrot & Parsnip Buckwheat Bowl, and Country Cinnamon Oatmeal!


#3 Eat Mindfully. Mindful eating is a concept that teaches us to focus and pay attention to the meal we are eating. Try to eat slowly and listen to your body cues: eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. You can achieve this when you eat without distractions and simply be in the moment and enjoy the flavors, textures and aromas of the meal you are being served. Eating is about enjoyment, so when you are at a table with family and friends try to keep cell phones and television away from the dinner table. This is incredibly helpful for digestion, so remember; eat slower and be in the moment.

Take a look at Laura Manning’s video on our Extra Sensitive Menu

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